Speech O
9:00 am Room Online
sosconf.zh 2020 Kick-off
Ridger Chu - General Coordinator
Wellcome Speech in representative of sosconf committee and contributors team. I will introduce how to enjoy sosconf.zh 2020 and what is sosconf.
10 Minutes UESTC, Chengdu
Speech Ⅰ
9.10 am Conference Hall Zero
Coding like M shaking
ICE1000 - Passionate Speaker
Actually, this talk will share two topics: Static Type System, Design Pattern. I will share some experience from my side.
2 Hours Convention Center, Hilton Hotel
Speech Ⅱ
3.00 pm Canvar Tower 6
design a language from scratch
Li Dengchun -Sichuan University
Chinese programming? NO, Cool grammer? NO. Released more than 10 versions in past 3 years, but few users use it. What happened to it? Dengchun will tell you.
3 Hours SCU, Chengdu